
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

my things that i did since we didn't ave camp and all of our school is sad

hi guys im here for a new blog post about camp so you know how we were going to camp cause of covid-19 took over and we couldn't go we were all sad  but we still got to have fun cause we had three days of fun stuff we went to the skate park it was a wee bit busy but we survived it was a lot of fun then the day before that we had hot chips at school we were so happy those three days and on the last day we played touch rugby  and we had a pj day and we made tents and it so fun . And here is a photo of mine and my friends tentšŸ‘‡ and also if you didnt know you are only allowed 100 people in one area. but that is alright

Thursday, August 6, 2020

the best day of my life 2020 GYMNASTICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A few weeks ago me and my friends signed up for gymnastics and it is my first time going to do gym and I'm so excited  we will be doing it every Wednesday first we did rolly pollies  the beam and vault and that is it .Next Wednesday I did shoulder stands and the other same  stuff and then me and my other friends Await for the next Wednesday.